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Understanding RAM chip numbers: Lifetime

Link naar de fabrikant. Link to the manufacturer.

Sample Explanation

16 Mb Chip organised as: 4M x 4 bits
?? refresh, Fast Page Mode (FPM)
Speed = 60ns, Supply = 5 Volt
16 Mb Chip organised as: 2M x 8 bits
?? refresh, Extended Data Out (EDO)
Speed = ??, Supply = 3.3 Volt

S in a Square (Lifetime's own label) - 16 Megabit

How to read the part number:

2X8LE-SS      = 3.3 volt EDO / 2Meg x 8 : check module size/banks

S4004SB1DJ-06 = 5 volt
S4004SE1DJ-06 = 5 volt EDO
S4004LB1DJ-06 = 3.3 volt FPM
S4004LE1DJ-06 = 3.3 volt EDO
           ^^----- Speed: 5=50ns / 6=60ns / 7=70ns / etc

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